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  • AFCOOP Updates — Linda Joy and Helen Hill Awards calls now open! — July 18, 2024

AFCOOP Updates — Linda Joy and Helen Hill Awards calls now open! — July 18, 2024

Deadline August 20.

It’s your favourite summer hang! Join us at the office on Thursday, July 25 at 6:30pm to hear about the past year in co-op happenings, catch up on members’ work, have some snacks, and gossip! If you’re not a member but would like to be, the process is easy—just ask Henry: [email protected]

For members who have been part of AFCOOP for 10 years or more, you’re eligible to be voted in as a Lifetime Member. If this is you please let Henry know by July 23 so we can add you to the agenda.



AFCOOP is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 2024 Linda Joy Media Arts Award. APPLY HERE

The Linda Joy Media Arts Society was founded in 1986 to commemorate the contributions and legacy of Nova Scotia filmmaker and former AFCOOP Coordinator, Linda Joy Busby, who died of breast cancer at the age of 34. The film Linda Joy was started by Busby to share her experience during a period of remission and completed by her friend and fellow filmmaker Bill MacGillivray. Proceeds from the sale of this film comprised the foundation of the initial society.

Since 2018, AFCOOP has administrated the annual Linda Joy Awards, typically awarded during the Atlantic International Film Festival in September. The Linda Joy Award and the Linda Joy Post Award consist of cash and in-kind services designed to help filmmakers in the Atlantic region produce a new piece of film or media art.

Awards are given out through a peer jury process.

  • $2,000 cash

  • 2 x workshops of your choice

  • Associate Membership

  • Ability to be covered under AFCOOP’s General Liability and Production insurance if required.

  • In-Kind Camera Package from AFCOOP

  • $5000 in-kind lighting and grip package courtesy of Sunbelt*

*The Newfoundland Independent Filmmakers Co-operative (NIFCO) will provide $3,000 in-kind gear if a filmmaker from Newfoundland wins the award.

The New Brunswick Film Co-operative will provide $3,000 in-kind gear and a cash top-up from the Jane Leblanc Legacy Fund if a filmmaker from New Brunswick receives the award.

FilmPEI will provide $5,000 in-kind gear if a filmmaker from Prince Edward Island receives the award.

  • $1,000 cash

  • $2,000 (valued at regular rates) in-kind access to AFCOOP’s Media Suite*

*NIFCO will provide $3,000 in-kind for post-production if a filmmaker from Newfoundland receives the award.

*NB Film Co-op will provide $2,000 in-kind for post-production if a filmmaker from New Brunswick receives the award.

*FilmPEI will provide $2,000 in-kind for post-production if a filmmaker from Prince Edward Island receives the award.



AFCOOP is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 2023 Helen Hill Animation Award. APPLY HERE

The Helen Hill Animation Award is open to artists working in animation and experimental forms in Nova Scotia. Helen Hill was a gifted filmmaker and film educator who was active in many communities across the continent. Helen lived in Halifax from 1995 to 2001, and was an integral personality in the film, arts and civic outreach communities.

Helen’s particular style of creation was unhampered by convention, and marked by a rarely found honesty and immediacy. In January of 2007 Helen Hill passed away in her home in New Orleans, the victim of a random act of violence. The Helen Hill Award was created to celebrate this remarkable individual and to support artists working in animation.

This award is given out through a peer-jury process. If you'd like to participate on a future AFCOOP peer jury please email Henry: [email protected]

  • $1,000 cash

  • $2,000 in kind equipment and facility access from AFCOOP (valued at commercial rates)

  • One year of Editing and Producing memberships (valued at $1,070) from the Centre for Art Tapes


Applicants must be residents of Atlantic Canada. Sponsorship services are located in Nova Scotia. Past recipients can apply again at least 12 months after receiving an award as long as their past award project is completed, and required reports and material have been received by AFCOOP. Requests for retroactive financing are ineligible. The project for which funding is applied must be targeted for completion by May 2025. There are no restrictions on project length. The applicant must retain full creative control and ownership of the project throughout the production process.



Amy Saunders will give you the public relations overview on August 1.

Known for her innovative storytelling abilities and trusted relationships across North American film and media, Amy Saunders began her work in film and entertainment publicity at Warner Bros. Canada in 2015. Working her way from an intern to theatrical marketing assistant, she assisted with A-lister red carpets, PA tours, junkets, and guerilla marketing ideation and execution. From WB, Amy moved on to Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival, then worked with AMC as the lead PR of the North American launch of popular SVODs Shudder and Sundance Now. In 2017, she founded the now well-known PR agency, AlphaPR, specializing in film, television, entertainment, and creative arts which quickly gained international clients. Since then she has worked with international legacy brands, politicians and celebrities and with clients across North America, Europe, Africa, and Australia. 

In this workshop, Amy will cover the 101 basics of PR and how to DIY your own PR, or how to find the right PR fit for your project. You will cover topics such as how to get the most out of your publicity campaign, what falls under the PR umbrella, and a review of case studies.

If you have any question you’d like covered please send them here.


The Sequestered Screenwriters Group is an online group for screenwriters to share their work. The group meets online at the end of every month to read and discuss each other’s short film scripts. In advance of the meeting, participants are given access to writing prompts to use (or not). Participants can send in their scripts, or works in progress to be discussed in the group. It’s FREE and open to all.

Here’s how it works:

1. Screenwriting prompts will be provided if desired. Otherwise, feel free to submit a screenplay or segment of up to 6 pages. Outlines are also welcome.

2. Work on your script and send it in to Henry by Thursday, July 25.

3. Scripts will be sent out to the group on Friday June 26.

4. Online Group Meeting: Wednesday, July 31, 6pm.

If you don’t like the prompt or if you have a script in progress that you’d rather work on that’s totally fine. The group will be facilitated by members Tracy McNeil and Emma Boardman. If you have any questions, contact Henry: [email protected]


AFCOOP’s filmmaking grants support the production of local independent films through in-kind equipment and resources. There are grants that are open to the public as well as some that are only open to AFCOOP Full Members. For all grants, the individual applying must hold ownership and creative control of the project. Only Nova Scotia residents are eligible for grants.

If you have any inquiries please contact Henry: [email protected]

Applications will be accepted online only up until 11:59pm on August 1, 2024.


Provides resources and training to make your first film including:

• $500 in-kind gear and facilities (valued at regular rates)
• “Intro to Filmmaking in Nova Scotia” workshop
• 2 x workshops of your choice
• Associate Membership
• 3 x 1hr meetings with an AFCOOP mentor

Eligibility: Open to all applicants including non-members. This grant is intended for filmmakers with little or no experience. If you have made a few shorts on your own but feel like you would benefit from this support then you are certainly still eligible


Covers all costs associated with shooting a short Super-8 film including:

• Two rolls of colour or b&w Super-8 film from the AFCOOP fridge (exact stocks may vary, however we will try to accommodate specific requests)
• Super-8 camera rental (duration is flexible depending on the needs of the project)
• Shipping to and from the lab
• Film processing at a professional film lab
• Digitization (this will be done in house at AFCOOP unless the filmmaker wishes to pay extra for a professional frame-by-frame scan at the lab)

Eligibility: Open to all applicants including non-members. This grant is suitable for beginners as well as established filmmakers. Super-8 is an accessible entry-level analogue format and AFCOOP staff will provide a camera tutorial/refresher if needed.


Provides professional mentorship from an AFCOOP member or community member for a project you are developing. Examples of types of support you might request include: production feedback from a producer or production manager, script feedback from a screenwriter, or feedback on your rough-cut from an editor. Mentors will be selected from senior AFCOOP members and the community based on the nature of your project. You are welcome to apply with a specific person in mind, however, we can’t guarantee we will be able to match you with that individual.

Eligibility: Open to all applicants including non-members.


Provides resources for the production of a project involving analogue film (Super-8, 16mm or 35) including:

• $500 cash project support
• $2000 equipment in-kind gear and facilities (valued at regular rates)
• Ability to be covered under AFCOOP’s production insurance if needed

Eligibility: AFCOOP Full Members only.


Provides resources for the production of an independent film project including:

• $500 cash project support
• $2000 equipment in-kind gear and facilities (valued at regular rates)
• Ability to be covered under AFCOOP’s production insurance if needed

Eligibility: AFCOOP Full Members only. Please note that if this funding is being combined with other grants from Arts NS or Canada Council you will need to indicate if those grants are confirmed or pending and indicate how you would proceed with the project without that support.


Sending your film to the Niagara Custom Lab for processing? Going forward, AFCOOP will be mailing materials to the lab on the first Tuesday of every month.

Although we’re sending materials once a month, you can drop them off to our technical coordinator Cody Chandler anytime! Be sure to drop yours off before the next mail day on Tuesday, August 6.

For more information on getting your film processed, email Cody: [email protected]

AFCOOP’s Filmmakers Job Board is a place to connect with filmmakers and film crews looking for work, or volunteers looking to gain experience in Nova Scotia and Atlantic Canada.

Submitting to the AFCOOP Job Board is totally free! All posts are subject to approval by AFCOOP staff and will be reviewed before they appear on the site.

Note: You don't have to create an account to post a job. If you wish, simply enter your email to sign up at the time of job submission.

See it all HERE!

ABOUT AFCOOP: Established in 1974 the Atlantic Filmmakers Cooperative (AFCOOP) is a non-profit, community organization dedicated to supporting the production and presentation of independent film and moving-image-based work in a collaborative, learning environment.

AFCOOP acknowledges that we are located and operate in Kjipuktuk, in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw People. This territory is covered by the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which Mi’kmaw, Wəlastəkwiyik (Maliseet), and Passamaquoddy Peoples first signed with the British Crown in 1726. The treaties did not deal with surrender of lands and resources but in fact recognized Mi’kmaw and Wəlastəkwiyik (Maliseet) title and established the rules for what was to be an ongoing relationship between nations. We are all treaty people.

AFCOOP operates with generous support from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Province of Nova Scotia and the City of Halifax.